„A man dares
the world blures…
To be drifted away
…new world awaits.”
„It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Antoine Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince
The purpose of a probe is usually to give us an access to somewhere difficult to reach. Through a probe we can travel to distant worlds, to the depths of the earth, to the hearts of ourselves. Our little library is a probe in a public space.
To make ourselves dare and enter. To pick up a book, to enter a story, to be carried away.
The library is a place of discarded books and no one knows what can be found there. It stands still and yet it can transport us elsewhere. The little library is the answer to the need to create a distinctive element on a common theme. The result is an urban furniture with a charm.
Technical description
The steel shelf, the roof top and the supporting columns form a self-supporting welded structure coated with a protective zinc layer and powder-coating.
![View and section](/r/21/2211/obsah/sonda_nakres.png)
Translucent, corrugated polycarbonate sheet connected to the supporting structure by aluminium rivets.
Under pavement or compacted surface into concrete base via chemical anchors.
Shades according to RAL.
„When life is dark,
let your heart show you the way.”
Dan Brown
„Abys získala, co jsi nikdy neměla,
musíš udělat to, co jsi nikdy neudělala.
Nebo něco, co už možná
nebudeš muset nikdy udělat.“
Neal a Jarrod Shustermanovi